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52.Life is tough in the city .In order to lose their      , some people drink alcohol .

    A.temper          B.mood         C.consciousness    D.pressures


51.Those who change mobile phones frequently will pay a heavy price for being      .

    A.graceful         B.fashionable     C.particular        D.feasible


50.One of the consequences of our planet’s being warming up is a(n)     in the number of

   natural disasters .

    A.result           B.account        C.reason          D.increase


49.Tony is    the guidebook , looking for information about Japan , where he will travel soon .

    A.tracing          B.skipping       C.inspecting       D.scanning


48.Broadly speaking , I would agree with Shirley , though not      .

    A.widely          B.thoroughly      C.entirely         D.extensively


47.My grandfather is as     as a young man and hates sitting around doing nothing all day .

    A.enthusiastic      B.energetic       C.talkative         D.sensitive


46.“I don’t think it’s my      that the TV blew up . I just turned it on , that’s all ,” said the boy .

    A.error           B.mistake        C.fault           D.duty


Directions : Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence .

45.Some passengers complain that it usually      so long to fill in travel insurance

   documents .

    A.costs           B.takes          C.spends          D.spares


44.There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars      road conditions

   need      .

    A.that …to be improved              B.which …to be improved

    C.where…improving                D.when…improving


43.An army spokesman stressed that all the soldiers had been ordered      clear warnings

   before firing any shots .

    A.to issue         B.being issued     C.to have issued     D.to be issued

