0  278283  278291  278297  278301  278307  278309  278313  278319  278321  278327  278333  278337  278339  278343  278349  278351  278357  278361  278363  278367  278369  278373  278375  278377  278378  278379  278381  278382  278383  278385  278387  278391  278393  278397  278399  278403  278409  278411  278417  278421  278423  278427  278433  278439  278441  278447  278451  278453  278459  278463  278469  278477  447090 

9.There is a chance that I will be in Shanghai in October,so I        visit you for a few days.

  A.might                 B.must                C.would    rather        D.have to 

  答案  A


8. -We weren’t sure which way to go.In the end we turned right.

  -You       the wrong way.You     left.

  A.went;should have turned                    B.have gone;must turn

  C.went;would have turned                        D.had gone;must have turned

  答案  A


7. -       Tom start at once or wait for a while,manager?

  -Let him start at once.

  A.Will                  B.Would                  C.Does                D.Shall

  答案  D


6.-It’s so cold! Why not close the door?

  -Sorry.It      .I’ll have it repaired soon.

  A.won’t shut             B.won’t be shut     C.hasn’t shut           D.isn’t shut

  答案  A


5.-I’m thinking of losing weight to participate in “Super Girl”these days.

  -Oh,you       be out of your mind.You’re 40 kilograms at the most!

  A.will                B.should               C.may                D.must

  答案  D


4.There’s plenty of time for you to think about it carefully,so you     rush now.       you change your mind,I wouldn’t mind.

 ’t;Would           B.shouldn’t;Could       C.needn’t;Should       D.won’t;Might

  答案  C


3.The manager’s health was getting worse and worse because of heavy burden,so the doctor strongly

  recommended that he       a holiday.

  A.took                  B.would take           C.must take            D.take

  答案  D


2.It is written clearly in the requirements that all passengers       check onto board thirty minutes

  before the plane takes off.

  A.may                                      C.will                 D.shall

  答案  D


1.We       have class in the last week of February,but I’ll let you know for sure as the time approaches.

  A.shouldn’t              B.mustn’t              C.may not             D.needn’t

  答案  C



  There was a lot of fun at yesterday’s party.You        ,but why didn’t you?

  A.should come          B.must have come      C.may have come         D.ought to have come

  答案  D

