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36. From the passage, we can see that_____________ 

A.  most people in Britain are in favor of recycling

B.  Britain will have the highest recycling rate in 2010

C.  not many people in Britain have “kerbside collection”

D.  the local authorities in Britain take recycling very seriously


35. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

A.  A Village in Iceland

B.  Science Students in Sandgerdi

C.  A Boys Cleverer Than Girls?

D.  A Land Where Girls Rule in Math


  Our eagerness for recycling is growing fast, but Britain’s 17 percent of household wasted recycled still trails behind rates of around 50 percent in the Netherlands, Austria and Germany. “ The key to good recycling rates is kerbside collection ,” says Georgina Bloomfield, from Friends of the Earth. “In the top European countries a wide range of waste is collected every weeek-glass , paper, cans, plastics and more.” Although two-thirds of Britain’s households now have kerbside collection of some sort, local government vary widely in the service they offer. Top-performing Livhfield and Daventry recycle more than 40 percent and make regular doorstep collections of waste, but bottom-of-the-league Isles of Scilly has no recycling collecting at all and Liverpool City Council Recycles just four percent.

  What’s the British Government doing about it ? it says a 25 percent recycling rate is “achievable” by 2006, and yet local governments are required by law only to provide every household with a collection of two materials by 2010. Environment Elliot Morley said, “It’s up to authorities to increase recycling and this may involve solutions other than kerbside collection. But should they continue to make no commitment to improvement, the last measure could involve the secretary of state taking over the duty of the authority.

  We could recycle more than 60 percent of our waste in the UK if we implemented best practices seen across Europe , such as wide-ranging kerbside collection. In Sweden, where 95 percent of metal cans are recycled, customers receive money back on returned cans. In Germany some 70 percent of soft drinks are sold in returnable bottles. In Iceland, a 10 percent tax on plastic carrier bags lead to a 90 percent reduction in use in just six month.

  One of Britain’s biggest challenges is packaging waste –roughly half of our rubbish comes from supermarkets. In November the Government provided an £8 million fund to “stimulate new packaging design”, and invited individuals and companies to offer ideas . sounds good , doesn’t it? But other countries have already reduced over-packaging. If and when these new measures are rolled out, they will be welcomed. People in Britain really do want to do the right thing-according to an Environment Agency survey, 90 percent of us say we’d recycle if the governments made it easier. And in the end, we may have no choice. We cannot continue dumping millions of tons of waste into the ground. This is our chance to make a difference-because we can.


34. At an international match test, the girls’ advantage over boys at Sandgerdi is about _________

A.  15

B.  30

C.  40

D.  45


33. From the passage, we can see that in the field of science in Iceland_______

A.   women have advantages over men in competition

B.  women are better in terms of achievement

C.  men are playing the major part

D.  men are one third less than women in number


32. According to the passage, the girls’ better achievement over the boys’ in math learning at Sandgerdi is most probably because _________

A.  boys are lazier

B.  girls are more clever

C.  boys spend more time on their part time jobs

D.  girls are more anxious about their future career


31. Which of the following words can best describe the life at the fishing village?

A.  dull

B.  modern

C.  interesting

D.  meaningless


30. According to the passage, the behavior of others towards you can be changed by your_______

A.  age

B.  dress

C.  status

D.  behavior


  This fishing village of 1,480 people is a bleak and lonely place, even in a country located at the top of the world. Set on the southwestern edge of Iceland , the volcanic landscape is whipped by the cold North Atlantic winds. There is no movie theater, and many residents never venture to the capital, a 50-minute drive away.

  But Sandgerdi might be perfect place to raise girls who have mathematical talent. Government researchers two year ago tested almost every 15-year-old in Iceland for it and found that boys trail far behind girls. That fact was unique among the 41 countries that took part in the standardized test for that age group designed by the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development. But while in their significant lead in the math, their national advantage of 15 points was small compared with the one they had over boys in fishing villages like Sandgerdi where it was close to 30.

  The teachers of Sandgerdi’s 254 students were not much surprised. They say the gender gap is a story not of talent but motivation. Boys think of school as purgatory on the way to a future of finding riches at sea; for girls, it’s their ticket out of town. Margret Ingporsdottir and Hanna Maria

Heidarsdottir, both 15, have no doubt that they are headed for university. “ I think I will be a doctor” , says Heidarsdottir. Meanwhile , by the harbor, Gisli Tor Hauksson, 14, already has big plans that don’t require spending his afternoons working hard at mathematics. “ I’ll be a fisherman”, he says , just like most of his ancestors. As for school, he says, “ it hurts the brain.” But the story of female achievement in Iceland doesn’t necessarily have a happy ending. While 61% of university students are women, they make up only one-third of Iceland’s science students. By the time they enter the labor market , many are overtaken by men , who become doctors, engineers and computer technicians. Educators say they watch many bright girls suddenly recoil in the face of head-to-head competition with boys. Solrun Gensdottir, the director of education at Ministry of Education, Science and Culture say: “ we have to find a way to stop girls from dropping out sciences.”

  Teachers across the country have begun to experiment with ways to raise schoolboys to the level of girls. Last year Sandgerdi’s teachers segregated the 10th-grade mathematics classes after deciding that boys needs intensive instruction. The high school in Kevavic tried the same experiment in 2002 and 2003 , separating 16-to-20-year-olds by gender for two years. The boys fell even further behind. “The boys said the girls were better anyway,” says Krisjan Arsmundsson, who taught the 25 boys . “ They didn’t even try.”


29. From the passage, it can be inferred that__________

A.  messages communicated by clothed are the same in different cultures

B.  words of dress are not enough to communicate different messages

C.  dress is better than language in communicating messages

D.  clothing plays an important role in social activities


28. In North America, men sometimes misunderstand women’s intention because________

A.  men are more careless than women

B.  women spend more time on their clothes

C.  men and women have different views on clothing styles

D.  men are less about the different messages communicated by clothes


27. Some people wear lucky shirts to take an exam because they believe_________

A.  clothes have extraordinary power

B.  clothes can hide their fear for the exam

C.  shirts can make them more comfortable

D.  shirts provide protection against bad weather

