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33. After hearing all the songs on the list, the fans asked the singer to sing __________ one.

A) other            B) the other       C) another       D) others


32. Although she’s always busy, still she finds time to work ___________ charity.

A) on             B) for           C) with          D) as


31. Students usually have __________ one-day trip in the suburbs in spring.

A) a             B) an           C) the          D) /


24. Tony was found missing in the street just _______ minutes ago.

25. When they were walking in the street, Tony suddenly turned back and______ away.

26. Tony was 5 years old and a head ______ than his sister.

27. Tony was about 120 centimeters tall with brown hair and _________ eyes.

28.Tony was wearing a yellow _______ with a snoopy on the back of it.

29. Joan lived at 50 Garden Street and her phone number was ________.

30. Mr White told Joan not to _______ and promised to help her find Tony.

Part 2  Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分 词汇和语法)


17. Kate was one of the best students in her school.

18. Kate can speak several languages including English.

19. Kate never made mistakes in learning languages because she was a good learner.

20. After she graduated from university, Kate was sent to Japan at once.

21. Kate worked as a manager in charge of the sales in Asia for five years.

22. Kate left the computer company because she got a new job.

23. Kate has been successful in her studies and work.


7. A) Wet and windy.                 B) Wet and cold.

C) Sunny and dry.                  D) Sunny and windy.

8. A) Japanese.        B) German.       C) Chinese.       D) Asian.

9. A) 40 yuan.        B) 140 yuan.      C) 220 yuan.      D) 180 yuan. 

10. A) A doctor.       B) A nurse.       C) An engineer.    D) A policeman.

11. A) On foot.        B) By bus.       C) By taxi.       D) By bike.

12. A) Lily.          B) Tony.         C) Joyce.           D) Millie.

13. A) 5:00          B) 4:50.     C) 5:10.      D) 5:15.

14. A) Because he helped her get the box down.

  B) Because he helped her put the box on her desk.

  C) Because he helped her do her homework.

  D) Because he helped her move the desk.

15. A) Teacher and student.             B) Waiter and customer.

    C) Doctor and patient.             D) Manager and secretary.

16. A) Look after your eyes.            B) Don’t always drink iced-water.

  C) Drink more water.              D) Don’t eat too much ice cream.


A           B            C 

D           E           F           G

1.________  2. _______  3. ________  4. ________  5. ________  6. ________






要求:(1) 文体自选(诗歌除外);


题二: 初中三年,我们增长了知识,开阔了视野,逐渐学会了用自己的眼睛去观察,用自己的心灵去感受。我们尝试着从寻常中发现精彩,在平凡中感受美丽。生活是一本大书,而我们身边熟悉的人就是书中那生动的篇章。

请以“       ,你不一般 ” 为题,写一篇文章。

要求:(1)在横线上填上称谓,如:“妈妈”“老师”“同学”等;(2)除诗歌、戏剧外,文体不限;字数不得少于600字 。


