0  278894  278902  278908  278912  278918  278920  278924  278930  278932  278938  278944  278948  278950  278954  278960  278962  278968  278972  278974  278978  278980  278984  278986  278988  278989  278990  278992  278993  278994  278996  278998  279002  279004  279008  279010  279014  279020  279022  279028  279032  279034  279038  279044  279050  279052  279058  279062  279064  279070  279074  279080  279088  447090 

7.设向量的夹角为,定义的“向量积”:是一个向量,它的模,若,则(   )

A.      B.2       C.     D.4



则在判断框中应填入关于的判断条件是      (  )

A.  B.   C.   D.



分别为内的直线,则(  )

A.       B.

C.      D.


4.如果复数(其中为虚数单位,)的实部和虚部互为相反数,则b等于(   )

A.     B.     C.     D.2


3.已知,则的值等于(   )

A.      B.-      C.        D.-


2. 某林场有树苗30000棵,其中松树苗4000棵,为调查树苗的生长情况,采用分层抽样的方法抽取一个容量为150的样本,则样本中松树苗的数量为       (   )

A.25       B.30      C.15       D.20



,则等于  (    )

A.(2,+∞)            B.[0,1]∪[2,+∞)

C.[0,1)∪(2,+∞)        D.[0,1]∪(2,+∞)


W: Mr. White, I can’t find my little brother.

M: When and where did you find him missing?

W: Just several minutes ago. We were walking in the street nearby. Suddenly my brother turned back and ran away. Soon he was lost among the people. What shall I do?

M: Don’t worry. Let me know your brother’s name, age, height and the colour of his hair.

W: His name is Tony, five years old. He is a head shorter than me, about one hundred and twenty centimeters tall. And his hair is brown and eyes are black.

M: Um. What clothes is he wearing?

W: He is wearing dark blue trousers and a yellow T-shirt with a snoopy on the back of it.

M: Your name and address, please?

W: I’m Joan. I live at 50 Garden Street. My phone number is 32845579.

M: OK, we’ll do our best to find him. Don’t worry.





Kate was born in north England and when she was eight years old her family moved to London. When Kate was young, her mother told her, “If you work hard, you will be successful.” Kate was a bright student. She studied hard and always got high marks in maths, history, French, science, and geography. Kate was also good at Spanish, Japanese and Chinese. Her grammar and pronunciation were very good. She wasn't afraid to make mistakes and she made progress day by day.

  After she graduated from university, Kate worked in a large computer company. She worked well and the company was satisfied with her. Every year she got a raise. After some time she was sent to Japan and she was responsible for the sales there. She worked in Japan for five years. Then she became the manager in charge of the sales in Asia and she had a lot of experience as a manager.

  Kate left the company because another company offered her a job. She likes the new job because she enjoys living in Hong Kong.


7.  M: What’s the weather like tomorrow?

W: They say it’s going to be wet and windy.

Q: What will the weather be like tomorrow?

8.    M: Betty is German but she lives in Asia for most of the time.

W: No wonder she can speak Japanese and Chinese so well.

Q: What’s Betty’s nationality? 

9.  M: How much is your new bicycle?

W: It’s 180 yuan, 40 yuan cheaper than yours.

Q: How much does the man’s bicycle cost?

10. W: What would you like to be when you grow up, Mike?

M: I want to be a doctor. But my mother wants me to be an engineer. 

W: Is your mother an engineer?

M: No. She is a nurse. But my father is an engineer.

Q: What does Mike want to be when he grows up?

11. M: Do you walk to school, Nancy?

W: No, I don’t. It’s far from my home to school.

M: Then how do you go to school?

W: I usually go by bike. But if it rains, I will take a bus or a taxi.

Q: How does Nancy usually go to school?  

12. M: Is Joyce here, Lily?

  W: No, she won’t come today. She’s ill.

  M: I’m sorry to hear that. But who will take charge of the meeting?

  W: Don’t worry, Tony. Millie will come instead of Joyce.

  Q: Who will take charge of the meeting? 

13. M: Excuse me, what time is it now?

  W: It’s 5 o’clock.

  M: Do you know when the train will leave?

  W: In ten minutes.

  Q: When will the train leave the station? 

14. W: I want to do my homework.. But there is a big box on my desk. Could you help me get

it down, Tom?

M: Certainly.

W: Thank you very much.

Q: Why did the girl thank the boy?

15.  W: What’s wrong with me?

M: Well, there’s nothing serious.

W: Will I be all right soon?

M: Yes, in a few days. Take the medicine and have a good rest.

W: Thank you.

Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers ?

16.  M: Would you like some warm water?

W: No, thanks. I never drink water without ice.

M: But that’s bad for your stomach..

Q: What else will the man probably say to the woman?

