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3. 选D。第4段内容告诉我们:医生想为宠物们找个好家,他想知道Brown夫妇是否能照顾好宠物,否则医生也不放心把宠物交给他们的。


2. 选B。由第3段句子Let’s go to the animal shelter. Many pets there need homes.可知,shelter是a place to keep homeless animals(无家可归的动物们的避难所)。


1. 选C。文章第5段提到…the Browns decided to get a small dog 以及最后一段动物医生说:Shadow has had all of her shots(预防针). She will be healthy.我们可以知道Shadow是一只健康的小狗。答案选C。


5. It’s clear that _______.

A. Shadow will not be easy to get ill   

B. the Browns were not satisfied with Shadow

C. Mr Snow didn’t check Shadow at all 

D. Shadow likes barking a lot



4. The Browns thinks that a small dog _______.

A. doesn’t need any room to keep 

                       B. can help them watch their house

C. eats less food than a bigger one 

D. usually has a beautiful name


3. Mr Snow asked the Browns some questions to _______.

A. see if they had moved to a new house  

                       B. find out how rich the Browns were

C. know where they’d keep their new pet

D. make sure they’d take care of pets


2. The word shelter in the reading means _______.

A. a place to sell small dogs

B. a place to keep homeless animals

C. a place to study animals     D. a place to sell books on pet care


1. From the reading we learn that _______.

A. the Browns have never had a pet before.

B. the Browns knew about Shadow from the newspaper.

C. Shadow is a small and healthy dog.

D. Mr Brown didn’t quite agree with his wife.


29. (13分)

(1))英国( 1分);资产阶级代议制度(资产阶级革命)、圈地运动。( 4分)

(2)瓦特;( 1分)

(3)第一次工业革命:蒸汽时代(1 分)第二次工业革命:电气时代(1 分)

(4)飞机(l 分)汽车(l 分)

(5)提高了社会生产力;促使了世界市场的形成;加强了世界各地的联系;改变了世界面貌;冲击了落后的地区和民族;同时也带来环境污染等社会问题。(任答其中3点即可给3 分。其他符合题意,言之有理的可酌情给分,最多3分)


28. (14 分)





