0  279961  279969  279975  279979  279985  279987  279991  279997  279999  280005  280011  280015  280017  280021  280027  280029  280035  280039  280041  280045  280047  280051  280053  280055  280056  280057  280059  280060  280061  280063  280065  280069  280071  280075  280077  280081  280087  280089  280095  280099  280101  280105  280111  280117  280119  280125  280129  280131  280137  280141  280147  280155  447090 

29. The doctor said there was ______ with her, but she could not help worrying.

A. serious something   B. nothing serious     C. something serious   D. serious nothing


28. ___________ she was chosen made us very happy.

A. What                B. That          C. Why             D. How


27. Ten years ________a long time in one's life.

A. has been             B. are             C. is                D. have been


26. - It’s the office! So you     know eating is not allowed here.

- Oh, sorry.

A. must               B. will           C. may            D. need


25. It is known to all that ____ computer was invented in the USA.

A. that                 B. /            C. the             D. one


24. You will be late _____ you leave immediately.

A. unless               B. when         C. while            D. as


23. Don’t leave your keys in the car. Someone might steal ________ .

A. one              B. that      C. this        D. it


22. we can avoid _________ with rest and a balanced diet. A. ill                   B. to get ill        C. getting ill          D. be ill


第一节  单项填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


例  It is generally considered unwise to give a child _______he or she wants.

A  however         B  whatever         C  whichever   D  whenever


21. Expo 2010 Shanghai China __________ on both ba{007}nks of the Huangpu River in the city of Shanghai, China, from May 1 to October 31, 2010.

A. is being held           B. is holding      C. will hold          D. holds

