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2.(2009·全国Ⅰ,19)天文学家新发现了太阳系外的一颗行星.这颗行星的体积是地球的4.7倍,质量是地球的25倍.已知某一近地卫星绕地球运动的周期约为1.4小时,引力常量G=6.67×1011 N·m2/kg2,由此估算该行星的平均密度约为( )               

A.1.8×103 kg/m3    B.5.6×103 kg/m3   C.1.1×104 kg/m3   D.2.9×104 kg/m3

解析:近地卫星绕地球做圆周运动时,所受万有引力充当其做圆周运动的向心力,即:Gm2R,由密度、质量和体积关系Mρ·πR3解两式得:ρ=≈5.60×103 kg/m3.由已知条件可知该行星密度是地球密度的25/4.7倍,即ρ=5.60×103× kg/m3=2.9×104 kg/m3.





三颗人造地球卫星ABC在同一平面内沿不同的轨道绕地球做匀速圆周运动,且绕行方向相同,已知RARBRC.若在某一时刻,它们正好运行到同一条直线上,如图4-4-4所示.那么再经过卫星A的四分之一周期时,卫星ABC的位置可能是( )



(三)书面表达(满分30分)  请你根据所给材料、提纲以及要求写一篇英文稿件。


English Horizons   第25卷  总228(5/2007)期

编者按:本期刊出Lora的来信,欢迎读者就信中谈到的问题逆        互动空间
Dear editor.
   I’m a senior high school student, and I want to work part-time this summer. I think it is good to do so, but my parents don’t agree with me I just can’t understand them I need your advice.                          Lara










I think that Lora wants to work part-time for these reasons. First,she can make some pocket money to meet pet daily needs and thus develop a sense of independenca. Second. she can learn how to deal with various problems in the workplace. Third,she can build up new friendships and improve bet social skills.

But her parents may regard learning as an increasingly important task for Lora. This holiday should be a catch-up time for independent study. Besides,personal safety may also be one of their maior considerations.

My advice for Lora is this:make a detailed plan for her study and work;ask her friends to work together with her, and tell her parents that she ean manage things properly. I wish Lora a pleasant summer.

B卷选择题答案   1.B    2.D     3.C     4.B     5.A     6.D     7.C

8.D     9.C     10.A        11.C 12.A    13.D    14.B 15.A    16.C

17.A    18.B 19.D        20.B 21.C    22.A    23.B 24.A    25.D

26.B 27.C    28.A        29.B 30.D    31.B 32.D    33.D    34.A

35.C    36.D    37.C        38.A    39.B 40.C    41.A    42.B 43.B

44.D    45.D    46.C        47.B 48.A    49.A    50.C    51.C    52.D

53.D    54.C    55.B     56.D    57.A    58.C    59.B 60.A    61.C

62.B 63.A    64.E     65.F



    66.Spring has come, and the trees are thick with green leaves (叶子).

    67.Andorra is a small mountain republic (共和国)between France and Spain.

    68.I consider it impossible (不可能) to believe a single word you say.

    69.He turned on the television sct hanging from the ceiling (天花板).

    70.We were talking on the phone when, suddenly (突然), the line went dead.

    71.One of my favourite sayings is “Understand all and fargive (宽怒)all.”

    72.A man I  recognized/trcognized (认出)as his father sat with a newspaper on his knees.

    73.Techaical progress would put out firm in  posseasion (拥有) of the home market.

    74. Winning (赢得) the support of the majority requires time,energy and devotion.

    75.Xi’an International  Exhibition (展览) Center has attracted many business people.







    Are the years you spent at school best years of you life?       76. the

Personally, I found most lesson rather uninteresting. We had to     77. lessons

sit at our desks in silence and paid attention to what the teachers    78.  pay 

were saying. They were used to write on the blackboard and ask       79.  were 

us difficult questions. We also had to do plenty of homework,and    80.  √ 

hand it on time. We had to wear school uniforms and obey lots of   81.  in 

rules. I left school as soon as I can and started work. I read books 82. could

at the publie library, and late I decided to attend college. Now   83.  later

I really enjoy study because I’m growing old and know what I  84. studying

Want it. When I was at school. I was just the wrong age!      85.  it 


40.A.How           B.Who          C.Why             D.What         (D)


39.A.curiously        B.carefully       C.naturally           D.plainly     (A)


38.A.In             B.Upon          C.After             D.With          (C)


37.A.should          B.could         C.might             D.would         (B)

