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26.- Is Miss Wang in the office today? - No, she’s gone to her hometown     the Spring

 Festival and she’ll be back in a week.

A.in        B.during        C.for          D.on


25.- Have you known each other for long? - Not very,     we started to work in the ABC Motor Company.

A.before      B.since         C.when         D.after


24.Not until then did I find it       to do the job that way.

  A.is easier     B.easier        C.was more easily    D.more easily


23.The old lady was the only person that died in the fire.    else was rescued by the firemen.

  A.Everyone     B.Anyone       C.Someone       D.No one


22.-Excuse me.     did you say you’d like to do,Miss Kilp?

  - I said I’d better go back to the office.I’m going to meet someone this afternoon.

  A.Why        B.When          C.What        D.Where


第一节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

21.I’m sure the beauty of     nature there will make     excellent impression upon you.

  A.the;an        B./;the          C.the;/         D./;an


第二节  (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6. What are the speakers talk about?

A. The newspaper.        B. More jobs.          C.A new building.

7. Why do people feel happy about the building?

  A.More people will find jobs there.               B.It’s beautiful and new.

  C.It’s new office building.


8.What did the man do during these weeks?

 A.He rode to the country.     B.He spent his holidays.   C.He traveled abroad.

9.Except what did the man do he wanted to do?

  A.Climbing mountains.     B.Going to the beach.    C.Visiting the famous tower.

10.How does the man feel about what he’s done?

  A.He feels satisfied.       B.He feels regretful.     C.He feels disappointed.


11.Who is probably the woman?

A. A footballer.       B.A football coach.        C.A TV hostess.

12.How many hours does the man spend on training every week?

  A.About 15.         B.About 25.           C.About 35.

13.What are the qualifications to be a football player?

  A.Still and talent.      B.Talent and determination.     C.Skill and determination.


14.What are the speakers talking about?

  A.Google-the fastest and smartest on the internet.

  B.How to find information on the internet.

  C.How to use search engines like Google.

15.What is the most important when using the search engine Google?

  A.To find the exact idea you want to research.

  B.To type in the correct names and years.

  C.To use the very specific key words.

16.What information does the man want to know tonight?

  A.This year’s Oscar winners.

  B.The Oscar winners of last year.

  C.The nominated foreign language films.


17.What is the monologue mainly about?

  A.SARS.           B.Avian flu.            C.HlNl.

18.How many cases of this virus in the Chinese mainland has reported?

A.3,577          B.4,415              C.10,000

19.How many people died of this flu according to the monologue?

  A.None.           B.20.               C.100

20.Where is the first flu patient at the Huizhou Agricultural School being quarantined?

  A.At school’s clinic.      B.At home.            C.In hospital.



  (1)如图所示为一列简谐横波t=0时刻的波动图象,已知波沿x轴正方向传播,波速大小为0.4m/s。则在图示时刻质点a、b所受的回复力大小之比为      ,此时刻起,质点c的振动方程是              cm。



36.(8分)[物理-物理 3-3]

  (1)在做“用油膜法估测分子大小”的实验时,油酸酒精溶液的浓度为每10000ml溶液中有纯油酸 1ml,用注射器测得1mL上述溶液有200滴,把一滴该溶液滴入盛水的表面撒有痱子粉的浅盘里,待水面稳定后,测得油酸膜的近似轮廓如图所示,图中正方形小方格的边长为1cm,则油酸膜的面积是    cm2。根据上述数据,估测出油酸分子的直径是     nm.


