0  282824  282832  282838  282842  282848  282850  282854  282860  282862  282868  282874  282878  282880  282884  282890  282892  282898  282902  282904  282908  282910  282914  282916  282918  282919  282920  282922  282923  282924  282926  282928  282932  282934  282938  282940  282944  282950  282952  282958  282962  282964  282968  282974  282980  282982  282988  282992  282994  283000  283004  283010  283018  447090 

27. --- Why bother? There is too much rubbish here. You’ll never pick it all up.

   --- Maybe not. But at least this part of the park      cleaner.

   A. was         B. will be         C. had been      D. is


26. He told us sadly that more than one person      in the case.

A. involved       B. had involved    C. was involved       D. were involved


25. We had a really bad time about six months ago but now things are     .

A. looking up                      B. coming up      C. making up   D. turning up


24. In fact, the situation was so desperate that,     , no one could help another.

  A. in this way      B. in common      C. in other words      D. in most cases


23. --- Shall I get you a magazine?

   --- I have no appetite ________ reading at the moment.

   A. on             B. in              C. for                D. about


22.      seems to have been a strong competition in China for school leavers to enter college or university.

A. It              B. There           C. Here           D. That


第一节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.     China’s growth is not     threat to others. On      contrary, it will bring more opportunities to the world.

  A. The; a; /        B. The; /; the       C. /; a; /          D. /; a; the

