0  283504  283512  283518  283522  283528  283530  283534  283540  283542  283548  283554  283558  283560  283564  283570  283572  283578  283582  283584  283588  283590  283594  283596  283598  283599  283600  283602  283603  283604  283606  283608  283612  283614  283618  283620  283624  283630  283632  283638  283642  283644  283648  283654  283660  283662  283668  283672  283674  283680  283684  283690  283698  447090 

14.--- Mike, could you repeat what I said just now?

  ---I’m sorry. I    a magazine.

A. was reading        B. read          C. am reading        D. have read


13. ---I’m so tired from the homework.

   ---Then you  as well stop to listen to light music.

  A. need           B. may          C. will           D. can


12. ---I’m a little discouraged, for I didn’t do the job well

  ---Come on , boy. Everybody is   to make a mistake.

A. possible          B. probably        C. likely          D. possibility


11. ---Did he hear of the news that his son sacrificed in the war?

  ---No. It was  he received the call from the army  he knew it.

A. until, that          B. not until, when     C. until, when        D. not until, that


10. ---Tom won an award again.

   ---  is no accident that he is so successful. He is always working hard.

A. There           B. This             C. It           D. That


9. ---Which bag would you like to choose?

  ---The one   there is a Mickey Mouse.

A. where             B. which            C. what             D. that


8. Yushu is reported   from the destruction caused by the earthquake.

A. to have recovered   B. recovering   C. to be recovered      D. to be recovering


7. The eyes of the world are    the expo in Shanghai.

A. at            B. in               C. on               D. by


6.   failure can’t be avoided, and participating is   victory

A. a , /            B. /,a             C. /,the           D. the,/


5.punished      A. disliked    B. gathered   C. assisted    D. ranged

第二节:语法和词汇知识 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

从每题所给的A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

