0  283779  283787  283793  283797  283803  283805  283809  283815  283817  283823  283829  283833  283835  283839  283845  283847  283853  283857  283859  283863  283865  283869  283871  283873  283874  283875  283877  283878  283879  283881  283883  283887  283889  283893  283895  283899  283905  283907  283913  283917  283919  283923  283929  283935  283937  283943  283947  283949  283955  283959  283965  283973  447090 

10.________ we admit that there are still some problems about the system of modern education,

we don’t mean that it is of no use.

A.Until           While         C.As       D.Unless


9.With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth _________ each year.

A.is washing away               is being washed away

C.are washing away               D.are being washed away


8.---How about eight o’clock outside the cinema?

---That _________ me fine.

A.fits        meets      C.satisfies     D.suits


7.---Isn’t it time you __________down to _________ your own things?

---I’m sorry for the delay, Dad.

A.get; pack      got; packing    C.got; pack    D.get; packing


6.When it _______ high technology, he is completely at a loss.

A.refers to      comes to     C.happens to    D.speaks to


5.Though _______ money, his parents managed to send him to university.

A.lack of        lacking of    C.lacking       D.lacked in


4.---Learning a language isn’t easy.It takes time.

---I agree.________.There is no short cut.

A.All roads lead to Rome          Rome was not built in a day

C.Practice makes perfect          D.Slow but sure wins the race


3.A bright idea suddenly struck me _________ I could use the money l saved to help a poor student in the countryside.

A.whether       which        C.that       D.what


2.The clear sky _____ fine weather.

A.expects      promises      C.wishes                  D.hopes


第一节  语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

1.---Andrew won’t like it, you know.

---_____________? I don’t care what Andrew thinks!

A.So what      How come    C.What if       D.How about

