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35. Occasions are quite rare ______ I have the time to spend a day with my kids.

 A. which      B. when      C. where     D. what


34. The magazine ______ the cover is missing was borrowed from the school library.

 A. its       B. who’s     C. whose     D. of which


33. The place Mr Li suggested ______ the meeting is quite far from here.

 A. holds      B. holding     C. to hold    D. should hold


32. When he was in that city, he _____ go to that park once a weeek.

A. would     B. used to       C. might     D. should


31. ----How did you find your visit to the ancient tomb?

  ---- _________________.

 A. Without other’s help.    B. Oh, magnificent 

C. On our own.       D. By taking the subway.


30. It was ______ he said ______ disappointed me.

 A. that; what    B. that; that      C. what; that    D. what; that


29. _______ fun it is to jump into a pool or go swimming in summer.

A. What      B. How       C. What a      D. How a


28. _______ is it _____ has made Peter _______ he is today?

 A.What; that; that  B. What; that;what  C. What ;what; that  D.That;that; what


27._________ doesn’t seem to have been any difficulty solving the problem.

A. There    B. It    C. He      D. That


26. Joan had often heard ____ said that Marley had no money.

A. one     B.it     C. once     D. her

