0  284373  284381  284387  284391  284397  284399  284403  284409  284411  284417  284423  284427  284429  284433  284439  284441  284447  284451  284453  284457  284459  284463  284465  284467  284468  284469  284471  284472  284473  284475  284477  284481  284483  284487  284489  284493  284499  284501  284507  284511  284513  284517  284523  284529  284531  284537  284541  284543  284549  284553  284559  284567  447090 

35. A recent survey about“shanzhai”culture conducted by China Central Television   that 50% of the netizens support for it.

A.shows   B.to show   C.showing  D.to have shown


34. ______, so he stopped the car at once.

A. Seeing a boy lying on the road       

B. On seeing a boy sitting on the road

C. The driver had seen a boy standing on the road 

D. The minute the driver saw a boy seated on the road


33.  --- What do you want to do next? We have half an hour until the basketball game.

   --- ________. Whatever you want to do is fine with me.

    A.It just depends      B.All right      C.Glad to hear that   D.It’s up to you  


32. _____ everyone else wouldn't go to the dark cave, he went into it without hesitation.

 A. As long as   B. While    C. Where   D. In spite of


31. After the journey, how the couple hoped to find a room to _____  the night in.

  A. pass     B. sleep     C. spare    D. remain 


30. Many provinces in China were attacked by such terrible snowstorms this early winter ______ few people had experienced before, ______ made us worry about global climate changes.

  A. that; that    B. as; which     C. which; it     D. when; as


29. --- Who has made a mess in my room?

   --- Who else ________ it but your naughty son?

  A.could   B. should   C.could have done  D.should have done

