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35. The project alongside with the experiment we had once devoted so much time__________ perfectly.

   A. to work out           B. to working out      C. to worked out      D. has worked out


34. None of us expected the chairman to      at the party. We thought he was still in hospital.

A.turn in         B.turn over       C.turn up         D.turn down


33. It was not what he said but the way he said it ______ made a great difference to me at last..

     A.what          B.that           C.before         D.when


32. He went to New York that winter, ______ nothing has been heard about him.

     A.since then       B.from then on    C.since when      D.from when


31. It was only several days ______ he realized the truth that he had been affected with AIDS.

     A.until          B.since          C.before         D.as


30. --Want me to tell you something funny to cheer you up?

    --Well, yeah.     .

    A.Are you kidding me?              B.That’s really sweet.

    C.I couldn’t feel any better.           D.I couldn’t feel any worse.

