0  285053  285061  285067  285071  285077  285079  285083  285089  285091  285097  285103  285107  285109  285113  285119  285121  285127  285131  285133  285137  285139  285143  285145  285147  285148  285149  285151  285152  285153  285155  285157  285161  285163  285167  285169  285173  285179  285181  285187  285191  285193  285197  285203  285209  285211  285217  285221  285223  285229  285233  285239  285247  447090 

9.The attackers were arrested and didn’t know where they     

    A.would take                      B.are taken      

    C.were being taken                                   D.will be taken


8.Some movie stars are always wearing sunglasses , afraid of ____.

    A.being recognized               B.recognizing   

    C.having been recognized            D.recognized


7.Only when Tom fully recovered _____ back to work. A.did he go       B.he went        C.had he gone     D.he had gone


6.-Why are your hands so dirty?

   -I      in the garden.

    A.was working                      B.have worked    

    C.worked                         D.have been working


5.The wrong you ‘ve done to him is so terrible , for___ you should make an apology to him , I think.

    A.which         B.this           C.what          D.that


4.-- What was the party like?

  -- Wonderful.It is years ____ I had a good time.

    A.after         B.when         C.before        D.since


3.You look so tired.You ______ have stayed up late again.

   A.should        B.can           C.may          D.must


2. Today,    rapid transportation and communication, the whole world seems to be smaller.

    A.regardless of     B.in spite of      C.instead of       D.because of


第一节  单项填空(共25小题;每小题1分,共25分)


1.-What do you think of their new house?

   -It’s very modern,but they have some antique        in it.

   A.furniture                         B.furnitures

   C.piece of furnitures                 D.piece of furniture

