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59. 看起来很奇怪他竟然拒绝了我们提出的行之有效的建议.

It seemed strange that he should have rejected the practical suggestion _______   _________ by us.


58. I keep the reference books on the desk for ______________ (convenient) because I frequently use them.

 B)、完成句子: 在空格里填写适当的短语, 使意思完整, 每个空格只准填一个词 (共7 小题, 每小题1分).


57. There is no ____________ (possible) that he will win the game even though he has got much trained.


56. While staying in England, he was always _____________ (enthusiasm) about making friends with the local people.


55. No witnesses could give the police a detailed ______________ (describe) of the murder happening in that district.


54. The book fair, ____________( open) last week, has attracted a large number of people including many little children.


53. Mary got blamed by her boss because she had left the office with all the lights _________ (burn).


52. Much to their delight, their hometown was found __________ (change) a lot after such a long time.


 A) 在下列的空格里填写括号里单词的正确形式(共8小题, 每小题1分共8分)

51. The whole world seemed ___________ (shock) at the news of the death of the famous American singer, Michael Jackson.

