0  285257  285265  285271  285275  285281  285283  285287  285293  285295  285301  285307  285311  285313  285317  285323  285325  285331  285335  285337  285341  285343  285347  285349  285351  285352  285353  285355  285356  285357  285359  285361  285365  285367  285371  285373  285377  285383  285385  285391  285395  285397  285401  285407  285413  285415  285421  285425  285427  285433  285437  285443  285451  447090 

26. There is no need ________any mpre about why different words are used to describe the four countries:England,Wales,Scotlan and Northern Ireland.

   A. debating     B. to debate     C. debated    D. to debating


25._______you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.

   A. If only     B. If so       C. Only if         D. As long as


24. I made a call to my parents yesterday. To my disappointment, ______of them answered it.

A. either        B. none         C. neither        D. nobody


23. Mr. Smith was quite satisfied with his new flat______ beside the West Lake Park and decided to settle down there.

   A. located    B. locating      C. to locate       D. locate


22. -I’m sure Andrew will win the first prize in the final.

-I think so. He_______ for it for months.

A. is preparing     B. was preparing C. has been preparing   D. had been preparing


21. This book tells ________ life story of John Smith, who left ______ school and worked for a newspaper at the age of 16.

A.the; the     B.a; the      C.the; 不填     D.a; 不填


22、设计算法,要求输入自变量的值,输出函数 的值,要求画出程序框图并写出基本语句编写的程序。(本题14分)





