0  285403  285411  285417  285421  285427  285429  285433  285439  285441  285447  285453  285457  285459  285463  285469  285471  285477  285481  285483  285487  285489  285493  285495  285497  285498  285499  285501  285502  285503  285505  285507  285511  285513  285517  285519  285523  285529  285531  285537  285541  285543  285547  285553  285559  285561  285567  285571  285573  285579  285583  285589  285597  447090 

35. What people say is unimportant; what people mean _______ what they say is everything.     A. for        B. in        C. by          D. with


34. According to their theory, the more severe the punishment, _______________.    A. the less likely crime           B. the less likely the crime     C. the crime less likely           D. the less the likely crime


33.______ some officials, the general inspected the army.

A. Followed                          B. Followed by

C. Being followed                          D. Having been followed


32.______breaks the laws will be punished.

A. No matter who       B. Whoever    C. Who     D. Those who


31. The Moonstone was ______ in a real story which ______ in England in the 1790s.

A. set; taking place                        B. setting; take place

C. set; had taken place                     D. set; took place


30. He came all the way to China for promoting friendship,______ for making  money.

A. rather than                            B. other than

C. more than                             D. better than


29. It was in the mountain village, ______he stayed for a few days, ______a beggar was beaten to death.

A. that; that                       B. which; which

C. where; that                         D. where; which


28. Before students leave ______ college, they are advised on their choice of______ profession.

A. /;/     B. /; the            C. a; the      D. the; the

