0  285452  285460  285466  285470  285476  285478  285482  285488  285490  285496  285502  285506  285508  285512  285518  285520  285526  285530  285532  285536  285538  285542  285544  285546  285547  285548  285550  285551  285552  285554  285556  285560  285562  285566  285568  285572  285578  285580  285586  285590  285592  285596  285602  285608  285610  285616  285620  285622  285628  285632  285638  285646  447090 

37.--I     the Great Wall next week.

  --Have a good trip!

   A. visit       B. visited      C. am visiting    D. have visited


36.--Emma failed her exams. I think she should work harder.

  --I agree. __ she does, she’ll get good grades.

   A. If       B. Because     C. Before      D. Though


35.--     do you study for a test?

  --I study by working with a group.

   A. Where     B. How       C. When      D. Why


34.--Can I go to the movie,Mum?

  --Certainly. But you _   _ be back by ten o’clock.

   A. can        B. may        C. might       D. must


33.--Where is my notebook?

  --I don’t know. It isn’t here. Maybe _  _ took it away by mistake.

   A. everybody    B. nobody      C. anybody     D. somebody


32.--Do you know how to pronounce this word?

  --Yes. I _  _ in the dictionary yesterday.

   A. looked it up   B. worked it out   C. gave it away   D. picked it up


31.--Why are you unhappy, Ben?

  --I was late for class again. I’m afraid Miss Li will be     me.

   A. friendly to   B. angry with     C. busy with    D. proud of


30.--What do you think of the sweater?

  --lt’s too   , and I don’t have enough money to buy it.

   A. nice       B. lovely       C. popular     D. expensive


29.--How will she deal with the work?

  --She doesn’t want to do it by herself.  She wants to ask someone else to do it,    

   A. yet        B. instead       C. too        D. either


28.--We’re all here     Lily. Where’s she?

  --She’s gone to the library.

   A. beside     B. besides      C. except      D. of

