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I will never forget that Tuesday afternoon in the doctor's office. I had been feeling sick for a long time and my mum had taken me to hospital to have me 31. Two weeks ago, Dr Richards asked me a great many questions and took 32 of my blood. Now, he was looking at mum and me across his desk and there was a sad look in his eyes. I knew that the news was bad. Dr Richards told me that the test results showed that I was suffering from a 33 disease. "It is cancer," he said. 34 I did not know much about cancer then, I had heard that it was an 35 disease. Hearing it, mum held my hand, crying and I 36 that my life was going to end.

     The next year was 37 and difficult for me and my family. Like many people with cancer, I had to be 38 with radiation followed by treatment with chemicals. The treatment made me sick, very sick. There were days when I wished that I were dead so that I would not have to feel so sick. My family and friends were wonderful. They helped me find the 39 I needed to recover and they kept me from feeling sad and 40. The treatment was successful and I was able to go home after exactly fourteen months, two days and six hours in hospital.

    Two years have passed and my 41 has not yet ended. 42, I now feel as if that was when my life really began. I plan to live 43 it for a long, long time. Now, the cancer in my body has been 44 for the moment, but I 45 that I will never be completely free from it and my    46 against it will never end.

I now 47 my cancer as a gift. It taught me an important 48 about life. Living with cancer has made me realize how precious life is and how important it is for us to 49 every chance to live life to the fullest. Every day is a new opportunity, and I have learnt to 50 every minute of each day.

31.A. examined        B. checked       C. tested        D. operated

32.A. models       B. samples          C. types      D. sorts

33.A. common         B. slight            C. serious       D. heavy

34 A. Since       B. Because          C. As         D. Although

35. A. easy       B. incurable         C. ordinary     D. unbelievable

36.A. hoped         B. found        C. thought       D. saw

37. A. tiring        B. comfortable       C. happy      D. painful

38. A  treated        B. cured           C. pleased         D. satisfied

39. A. resource        B. energy          C. strength        D. power

40. A. single       B. alone            C. lone        D. lonely

41. A. life        B. dream       C. hope       D. belief

42. A. As a whole       B. On the contrary      C. In general       D. In all

43. A. in         B. by          C. for        D. with

44.A. defeated        B. cured           C. beaten         D. recovered

45.A. fear        B. know       C. realize       D. guess

46. A. war       B. argument         C. struggle      D. campaign

47.A. look on       B. look up        C. look at      D. look into

48. A. memory     B. lesson       C. impression     D. thing

49. A. miss        B. hold        C. take       D. lose

50.A. spend      B. kill           C. waste       D. appreciate


53.  20世纪50年代,科学家受达尔文进化思想的启发,广泛开展了人工动、植物育种研究,通过人工创造变异选育优良的新品种。这-过程人们形象地称为“人工进化”。

(1)某农民在水稻田中发现一矮秆植株,将这株水稻连续种植几代,仍保持矮秆,这种变异主要发生在细胞分裂的        期。

(2)我国科学家通过航天搭载种子或块茎进行蔬菜作物的育种,用空间辐射等因素创造变异,这种变异类型可能属于                       。与诱变育种方法相比,DNA重组技术最大的特点是                     







(2)甲的基因型是        ,乙的基因型是        ,丁的基因型是        







(1)此果蝇的性染色体为        ,这是      性果蝇。其性别决定方式属于      型。

(2)该果蝇体细胞中含有       对同源染色体,有        个染色体组,是     倍体。

(3)图中此果蝇体细胞中,有     对常染色体,      对等位基因,1和3是       染色体,A和a是            基因,A和B是            基因。


(5)图中A与a基因在遗传中应遵循基因的               规律;A、a与B、b两对等位基因同时遗传时应遵循基因的               规律;D与d基因在遗传中不光遵守基因的               规律,还属于                 遗传。


50.下列关于物种形成的叙述不正确的是(  )

A. 经过长期的地理隔离而达到生殖隔离是常见的物种形成方式。  

B. 隔离是物种形成的必要条件 

C. 新物种的形成与种群基因频率改变无关

D. 自然选择对不同种群的基因频率改变所起的作用有差别



49.用达尔文的自然选择学说来判断下列叙述,正确的是(  )






48.双子叶植物大麻(2N=20)为雌雄异株,性别决定为XY型,若将其花药离体培养,再将幼苗用秋水仙素处理,所得植株的染色体组成应是(   )

A.18+XY     B.18+YY     C.9+X或9+Y     D.18+XX或18+YY

