0  285527  285535  285541  285545  285551  285553  285557  285563  285565  285571  285577  285581  285583  285587  285593  285595  285601  285605  285607  285611  285613  285617  285619  285621  285622  285623  285625  285626  285627  285629  285631  285635  285637  285641  285643  285647  285653  285655  285661  285665  285667  285671  285677  285683  285685  285691  285695  285697  285703  285707  285713  285721  447090 

30. The US president Bush said his country will sign a peace treaty with the DPRK(朝鲜)______ the latter gets rid of all its nuclear facilities.

   A. while       B. even if      C. provided    D. so that


29.I really don’t think Tony will be upset, but I will go and see him in case he___ 

   A. does     B. is     C.will be      D.will do


28. ______ for the terrible coal mine accident, as the public thought, the mayor of the city felt nervous and was at a loss what to do.

 A. He was to blame       B. Being to blame 

 C. Having blamed       D. Being to be blamed   


27. Please tell me how the accident ______. I am still in the dark.

  A. came by  B. came upon   C. came to   D. came about


26.--_________I stay with you? --Well, I would rather you_________me alone for a while.  A. Will; leave  B. Shall; leave  C. Will; left  D. Shall; left


25. None of them had expected that the middle-aged engineer died____his design uncompleted. A of.     B. from     C. without    D.with


24.– May I remind you that a Mr Li is waiting outside, sir?  

­Oh, that is right, I ____ about it.

A. forget    B. had forgotten   C forgot   D. have forgotten


23.--- Do you know when Vicky came back yesterday evening?

   --- Yes. It was not yet nine o’clock    she came back home.

  A.before    B.when       C.that      D.until


22.Susan was expecting her favorite singers, but to her disappointment,


     A.some     B.everyone   C.none   D.no one


第一节: 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. When the spaceship traveled above, ____new-looking earth appeared before us, ____earth that we had never seen before.

   A. a; the      B. a; an   C. the; an         D. / ;the          

