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W:Hi, Tom, I’d like to know your views about smoking.

M:I agree that smoking can be (76) h_____ .So can be many      76 ______

other habits.

W: (77) L_____ what ?                     77 ______

M: Having candies, for instance.

W: How can you compare (78) b_____ the two habits ?       78 ______

M:Nowadays many people die from(79) e_____ too much sugar    79 ______

It makes people overweight. But (80) f_____ try to forbid sweets   80 ______

W: Too much sugar is bad ! But only the people who have too much .

M:What do you mean ?

W: I mean smoking is not only bad for the smoker’s

( 81) h_____  but also affects that of others.          81 ______

They force us to (82) b_____ the poison they blow into the air.   82______

M:Well, what do you suggest ought to be done ? 

W:I think smoking should be forbidden in all (83) p_____ places     83______

like hospitals, restaurants and schools.    

M: In this way, all the teachers will not be(84) a_____ to smoke at work. 84______               

W: That’s right . Teachers should set good examples to the students.

  I even think that whoever wants to be a teacher or a doctor,

he should be at least a (85) n_____               85______


55.A.by          B.within     C.over       D.beyond 


54.A.false        B.strict         C.moral       D.general


53.A.invite       B.remind       C.allow        D.cause


52.A.mistake     B.effort        C.decision     D.request

