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87. - Sorry, I forget to post the letter for you.

- Never mind, _____ it myself tonight.

A. I’m going to post           B. I’ve decided to post 

C. I’ll post               D. I’d rather post


86. - What were you up to when your parents came in?

- I ____ for a while and ____ some reading.

A. was playing; was going to do        B. played; did

C. had played; was going to do        D. had played; did


85. I want to buy that kind of cloth because I ____ the cloth ____ well.

A. have told; washes          B. have been told; washes

C. was told; washed          D. have been told; is washed


84. - Remember the first time we met, Jim?

- Of course I do. You ____ in the library.

A. were reading  B. had read        C. have read    D. read


83. The vegetables didn’t taste very good. They ____ too long.

A. had been cooked B. were cooked     C. had cooked      D. cooked


82. - Was the driving pleasant when you went to Mexico last summer?

- No, it ____ for four days when we arrived, so the roads were very muddy.

A. was raining  B. had been raining    C. would be rainingD. rained


81. I used to drink a lot of tea but these days I _____ coffee.

A. prefer     B. preferred       C. have preferred     D. am preferring


80. - Can you give me the right answer?

- Sorry, I _____.Would you repeat that question?

A. hadn’t listened B. haven’t listened C. don’t listen D. wasn’t listening


79. -_____ you _____ the editor at the airport?

- No, he _____ away before my arrival.

A. Have...met; has driven        B. Had...met; was driven

C. Did...meet; had been driven     D. Have...met; had driven


78. Look at this! I__some magazines and _____ this letter.

A. was looking through; found      B. am looking through; find

C. looked through; had found       D. had looked through; finding

