0  287762  287770  287776  287780  287786  287788  287792  287798  287800  287806  287812  287816  287818  287822  287828  287830  287836  287840  287842  287846  287848  287852  287854  287856  287857  287858  287860  287861  287862  287864  287866  287870  287872  287876  287878  287882  287888  287890  287896  287900  287902  287906  287912  287918  287920  287926  287930  287932  287938  287942  287948  287956  447090 

35. ----May I use your dictionary? I need to look up a word  ----It’s over there. _______ .

  A. It depends           B. Got it            C. Feel free              D. No problem


34. The boy was late for school again and as a(n) ________, he was made to clean the blackboard for three days.

   A. punishment    B. commitment    C. appointment            D. agreement


33. If it’s true he was taking drugs, that would _______ his strange behavior.

  A. make for      B. stand for       C. account for                 D. apply for


32. ---- How much can you pay me for the service, sir?

  ---- You ______¥200,if you do nicely.

  A. will pay            B. are paying         C. will be paid            D. are paid


31.----It’s many years since I saw you last; I ______ you at all.

  ---- I wouldn’t have, either, if someone_______ you by the name.

  A. didn’t recognize; hadn’t called 

B. didn’t recognize; didn’t call

C. haven’t recognized; didn’t call  

D. recognized; had called 


30.---- Why are you always wearing this pair of shoes, Tom?It is odd-looking.

  ---- It shows my personal _______.

  A. characters           B. figure            C. strength              D. features 


29. Although there were only four horses_______ in the race, it was an exciting one.

A. compete            B. having been competed 

C. competing           D. to be competed


28. She may have missed the train, ______, she won’t arrive for another hour.

A. in which case        B. in this way

C. by that means        D. for the reason


27. Their valuables ______ in the hotel safe, the young couple went window-shopping.

A. depositing           B. deposited      C .to deposit         D. having deposited

