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19. Opinion polls suggested that only 10% of the population _____ their government.

A. should trust           B. trust           C. trusts               D. trusted


18. ---How do you like the plan put forward by Mr.Smith?

  --- Considering its real _____ , it will be worth having a try.

A. price             B. value         C. cost                D. expense


17. John ran into Wendy in the supermarket, where, _____ their shopping, they decided to go for a coffee.

  A. finishing          B. to have finished         C. finished         D. having finished


16. _____ they listened quietly and then came up with many great ideas and suggestions.

A. It impressed on me                     B. What impressed me was that

C. That impressed on me                  D. As was impressed me


15. After a long journey across the whole country from north to south, they found themselves_____ as well as their clothes.

  A. picked out     B. called out      C. run out       D. worn out   


14. --- Daniel must have lost his job in that unemployment crisis, ___________ he?

  --- I don't think so. Yesterday I saw him working together with his colleagues.

A. didn't            B. doesn't         C. mustn't          D. hasn't


13. Though this was an original or creative invention, it turned out that it was not _____ useful in real life for various reasons. WHICH IS NOT PROPER?

A. a little           B. a bit                  C. at all               D. exactly


12. --- Again, my computer doesn’t work.

---_____ must be something wrong with the CPU of your computer.   

A. That     B. It      C. There     D. This


11. The keen competition in on-line game industry forced the firms with poor performance to _____ from the market.

A. withdraw        B. benefit          C. result             D. remove

