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26.The international agreement, ___ encourage children not to smoke and help people kick the

habit, was signed on February 27.

A. intending to  B. being intended to  C. intended to  D. to intend to


25. The little girl who got lost decided to remain _________she was and wait for her mother.

A. where     B. what     C. how     D. who


24.---I’m sorry, but I didn’t mean____ out your secret.

---But you know, letting out one’s secret means_____ one’s feelings.

A.to let; to hurt   B. letting; hurting   C.  to let; hurting   D. letting: to hurt


23. I hope my family    our holiday in Hailan during Spring Festival this year.

A. are enjoying          B. are to enjoy

C. will enjoy           D. will be enjoying


22.I suggested him _________smoking,but he wouldn’t listen.

  A.stop      B.to stop     C.stopped   D.stopping



21. I never thought China would be able to hold such _____ great celebration for the 60th anniversary,and especially at ____time when the world economy is slowing down.

A. a;the    B. a; a     C.the;one   D. /;the


第二节 (共15小题;每题1分,满分15分)



6.    What are the woman and the man talking about?

A.  Holiday.       puters.       C.Rest.

7.  How long will the man spend his holiday at home?

A.  Three weeks.      B.Two weeks.      C.One week.


8.  Why has the girl not seen the boy for a long time?

A. He is too busy to meet friends. 

B.He has moved to another place.         

C. He has been ill for several weeks.

9.  What is he busy with?

A. He is busy with his homework. 

B. He is busy with his lessons.

C. H e is busy preparing for a test.

10.When will the test be held?

A. It will be held next month.

B. It will be held next week

C.It will be held next term.


11.What will the woman do when she gets her BA degree?

A.She will go on for a master degree.

 B.She will go to work first.

C.She will learn Chinese.

12.What is the man not going to do after graduation?

A.Go to the graduate school.   B.Work for a while.   C.Learn Chinese.

13.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.The man has been to China before.

B.The man has never been to China before he gets his BA.

C.The man has decided not to go to China before graduation.


14.How will Kate travel to the New York city?

A.She will ride with Jack’s brother. 

B.She will drive her own car.

C.She will take a train.

15.Where did Kate and Laura meet?

A.At a concert.     B.On a train.      C.At a camp.

16.What do Kate and Laura have in common?

A.They both live in New York.

B.They both love music.

C.They both enjoy traveling.


17.Where did the guests come from?

A.They came from America.

B.They came from Britain.

C.They came from Canada.

18.What did the guests decide to do when they were not sure what to do?

A.Follow Li Hongzhang.   B.Follow their leader.  C.Ask the waiter to help them.

19.What did Li Hongzhang accidentally do when they were served with dumplings?

A.He picked it and dropped it into the wine glass.

B.He picked it and put it into mouth.

C.He picked it and dropped it on the table.

20.Why did the foreigners laugh?

A.They didn’t know what had happened.

B.They didn’t have good manners at table.

C.They had made a mistake.




1.    What does the woman do with her test?

A.    She’s not well prepared.  B.She feels it will be easy.  C.She doesn’t mind about it.

2.    Where is the man now?

A.     At the school.      B.In Maria’s home.     C.In the community library.

3.    What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A.     Teacher and student.   B. Customer and waiter.   C.Doctor and patient.

4.    Who introduces Peter to Mary?

A.     Peter’s friend.      B. Mary herself.       C. Peter himself.

5.    Where did the woman go last night?

A.     She went to a party.   B. She went to a hospital.   C.She stayed at home.


⑴ 在葡萄酒的自然发酵过程中,酵母菌的来源是   ▲  

⑵ 酵母菌异化作用的类型是    ;利用酵母菌制作果酒的原理可用反应式:   ▲   表示。

⑶ 现在工厂化生产果酒,为提高果酒的品质,更好地抑制其它微生物的生长,采取的措施是   ▲   

⑷ 果汁发酵后是否有酒精产生,可用   ▲   来检验。









 其中,   ▲    DNA分子含有“目的基因”,   ▲   DNA分子是“质粒”。

   (2)用剪刀代表进行切割。酶切位点在   ▲   (a处还是b处),

此化学键称为   ▲    。


 (3)你模拟插入的DNA片断能称得上一个基因吗?   ▲    。

EcoRI属于   ▲   酶。


指导入了某种生物不同基因的许多DNA片断的   ▲    的群体。

按照其中所含基因的量又可分为   ▲   文库和   ▲   文库。


⑴ 在制备固定化酵母细胞过程中,溶化好的海藻酸钠溶液要冷却至室温,才能加入已活化的酵母菌,原因是   ▲  

⑵ 如果在CaCl2溶液中形成的凝胶珠颜色过浅,说明   ▲  

⑶ 本实验所用的固定化技术是包埋法,而制备固定化酶则不宜用此方法,原因是   ▲  

⑷ 利用固定化酵母细胞进行酒精发酵,与直接接种酵母菌相比较有哪些优点?(说出两点)

         ▲              ▲        

