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35.-Bradford graduated from college with honors at a very young age

-He    have been an outstanding student

    A.could   B.must     C.might    D.should


34.Auckland is the most exciting city in New Zealand with p00ple of many different cultures  


     A.1ive     B have lived      C.1ived     D living


33.Some college students are seen doing   work they can find to support themselves

    A.however         B.no matter which

    C.no matter what        D.whatever


32.We never dared to ask him a question,     ?

   A.didn’t we       B. did we      C.dared we D.daren’t we


31.Wood furniture will not be of value     .

     A.if they are not handled and protected properly

     B.unless handing and protecting properly

     C.if is properly handled and protected

     D.unless properly handled and protected

