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31. You are welcome to drop in at my new house whenever______.

A. it is convenient to you          B. it is convenient of you

C. you are convenient            D. you convenient


30. I dislike ___ when students talk in class.

A. that    B. it         C. this      D. you


29. ----Are there any copies left in the book store?

----Sorry. There are ____ if ______.

A. few; some  B. a few; any  C. few; any     D. some; few


29. A. Which   B. in which   C. where        D. there


28. The photo was taken ______ stood the famous Bird’s Nest in Beijing during the Olympics.


27.-----What does the model plane look like?

  -----Well, the wings of the plane are ____ of its body.

A. more than the length twice          B. more than twice the length

C. twice more than longer than         D. more twice than the length


26. The poor woman with her two children _____ in a street corner.

A. was seen to beg                 B. were seen beg 

C. were seen begging            D. was seen begging


25.Some people who don’t like to talk much are not necessarily shy;they  just be quiet people.

A.Must       B.May          C.should     D.would


24. ----- What ___his happiness all his life?

  ------____ what he has got.

A. has led to; Being content with        B. has led to; Being contented to

C. led to ; Content to             D. led him to; To content with


23. Daniel's family    their holiday in Huangshan this time next week.

A. are enjoying                   B. are to enjoy

C. will enjoy                     D. will be enjoying

