0  288699  288707  288713  288717  288723  288725  288729  288735  288737  288743  288749  288753  288755  288759  288765  288767  288773  288777  288779  288783  288785  288789  288791  288793  288794  288795  288797  288798  288799  288801  288803  288807  288809  288813  288815  288819  288825  288827  288833  288837  288839  288843  288849  288855  288857  288863  288867  288869  288875  288879  288885  288893  447090 

32. That the boy student doesn’t always get the first place means that ______ he doesn’t get the first place.

  A. frequently
B. regularly
C. sometimes
D. lately


31. The thought of going back home to his family was all     kept him happy while he was working abroad.

  A. that
B. what
C. 不填
D. which


30. In the face of ______ failure, it is the most important to keep up ______ good state of mind.

  A. /; a
B. a; /
C. the; /
D. /; the


29. –Didn't you scold her for her carelessness in the examination?

  --Yes, but _____ it.

  A. I’d like not to do
B. I’d rather not have done
  C. I shouldn’t do
D. I’d better not do


28.  He _____ come and worry me with questions, just when I was busy cooking the dinner.

  A. can
B. will
C. must
D. shall


27. The book is      but boring; it is, in fact, rather exciting and fascinating.

  A. anything
B. nothing
C. something
D. all


26. Do you know what use people _____ trees after they are cut down?

  A. make of
B. make into
C. make up of
D. make from


25. The angry old man insisted this young man _____ his purse and that the real thief referred to _____ put into prison.

  A. didn't steal; was
B. should not steal; being
  C. hadn't stolen; be
D. not steal; be


24. The MP4 my father bought me on my birthday isn’t missing; it still _____ where I _____ it several days ago.

  A. lies; lay
B. lies; laid
  C. lays; laid
D. lays; lay


23. Is it twenty years that it may be _____ his father drank last?

  A. that
B. since
C. when
D. before

