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A wise man once said, “A man who makes no mistakes usually does not make anything.” It took me a long time to gather the  36  to admit that I had been making mistakes since my earliest days.  37  , many of the things that I had learned were  38  .

As a child from a poor family, I learned that when you had money, you were  39   to spend it on whatever brought you happiness  40  . I didn’t understand that even though putting money in the bank would not  41   me that quick joy, it could provide a sense of  42  - I still had that money.

One problem is that I never had an opportunity to  43   any money of my own until late in my teen years. All of my gift money  44   to my parents for “saving”, which actually  45   to be an emergency fund(风险基金) for things such as food.

On rare  46  , some relatives would give me some money, but they would  47   in my ear not to tell my mother and to spend it quickly on something fun. Their  48   was good - they wanted to bring joy to the life of a “  49  ”boy, but it didn’t teach me any  50   skills. Soon I would go back to having no money.

Another thing is that I believed that  51   help from others was bad. My parents were strict, and in many ways I  52   their philosophy (处事原则), but their personal beliefs prevented them from ever accepting any help.  53   we often had to live on a single part-time income, we never asked  54   anything. In this way, I was led to believe that accepting a helping hand, even in  55   of great need, was a sign of weakness.

36. A. time             B. power             C. courage            D. chance

37. A. Otherwise         B. Also              C. Instead               D. However

38. A. different          B. common           C. big                D. wrong

39. A. supposed         B. determined         C. ordered           D. left

40. A. naturally          B. immediately        C. probably           D. eventually

41. A. buy             B. prove             C. sell               D. show

42. A. direction          B. guilty             C. safety             D. difference

43. A. receive           B. lend              C. manage            D. earn

44. A. gave             B. went             C. borrowed          D. left

45. A. added up         B. came up           C. gave out           D. turned out

46. A. states               B. occasions          C. situations           D. moments

47. A. shout               B. explain               C. whisper           D. insist

48. A. plan             B. information         C. look              D. intention

49. A. naughty          B. poor              C. hopeless           D. lovely

50. A. financial          B. imaginative         C. popular           D. formal

51. A. offering          B. accepting          C. begging           D. demanding

52. A. disobeyed         B. ignored            C. respected          D. agreed

53. A. Even if           B. Now that          C. Unless            D. Until

54. A. about               B. around               C. against               D. for

55. A. groups           B. terms             C. ways             D. times


35. If we keep wasting so much energy, _____are that our oil wells will dry up and the environment will be destroyed.

   A. problems       B. difficulties     C. questions      D. chances


34. - Where is my English book?

- I brought it to you _____you were in hospital yesterday afternoon.

   A. since           B. if             C. once          D. while


33. The nutrients in _____falls into the ocean quickly become available to other living creatures.

   A. whatever       B. whichever     C. that           D. wherever


32. Don’t forget where the emergency exits are _____an emergency.

   A. in place of      B. in favor of     C. in case of      D. in charge of


31. The lake is calm and clear, and one of the things that _____in the water is the famous tower.

   A. reflects     B. reflect     C. is reflected     D. are reflected


30. The roommates have lived for three  years and not once _____with each other.

   A. they had quarreled         B. they have quarreled  

C. have they quarreled         D. had they quarreled


29. My hometown, _____I spent my happy childhood, has changed a lot.

   A. when      B. where     C. which     D. since


28. _____that the girl with an incurable disease would die soon, the boy decided to help her make her last days beautiful and meaningful.

   A. Being found out      B. Found out      C. To find out     D. Having found out

