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1.下列词语中加点的字的读音,全都正确的一组是       (   )

   A.打(yáng)  坍圯(tānpǐ)   桂兰桨(zhào)  天梯石(zhàn)

   B.迤逦(yǐlǐ)  荆(qǐ)     序之教(yáng)  熟战法(ān)

   C.滂沱(pāngtuó)度(cǔn)    扪历进(shēn)  杀一百(jǐng)

   D.猿(róu)   商(gǔ)     扣歌之(xián)  心宽体(pàng)



Recently a survey entitled “Should museums be free to the public?” was conducted to find out people’s attitudes towards this question.

Opinions are found to vary.

67.9% of the people surveyed believe that museums should be free to the public as they are important places for both education and entertainment. They say that free museum entrance will attract more visitors, which will no doubt contribute to promoting knowledge and culture. The more museums open their doors to the public for free, the more people they will benefit.

14.9% hold the opinion that museums should only be free for certain special groups, such as students, soldiers and the disabled. Besides, the times that entrance is provided free for the groups should be strictly regulated.

However, 17.2% believe that, to keep the museums functioning well, museums should charge visitors an entrance fee. In addition, to attract more visitors, museums, should try to figure out visitors’ expectations and offer better service instead of free entrance.


35. It is generally believed that teaching is ________ it is a scientist.

A. an art much as   B. much an art as    C. as an art much as  D. as much an art as

