0  290772  290780  290786  290790  290796  290798  290802  290808  290810  290816  290822  290826  290828  290832  290838  290840  290846  290850  290852  290856  290858  290862  290864  290866  290867  290868  290870  290871  290872  290874  290876  290880  290882  290886  290888  290892  290898  290900  290906  290910  290912  290916  290922  290928  290930  290936  290940  290942  290948  290952  290958  290966  447090 

30.Every time Ashtita tries to break a record, he reaches a point ______ he feels he cannot physically do any more.

    A.where         B.that           C.when          D.which


29.The boy talked his mother ________ buying him a home computer.

    A.of           B.over        C.to          D.into


28.Remember to ________ a good state of mind even if you should fail plenty of times.

    A.take up      B.brush up      C.get up       D.keep up


27.What really ________ is not failure itself, but the attitude we have towards it.

    A.matters        B.applies         C.stresses         D.functions


26.---Don’t you feel cold, Tim? You wear such a jacket in a day at -5℃.

    ---___________.I’m boiling.

    A.No worry                       B.Take it easy

    C.Not in the least                   D.That’s OK


25.Never before ______ to ______ what his parents expect of him more than it is today .

    A.he has failed; live up to             B.he failed not; come up with

    C.has he failed; live up to             D.did he failed; come up with


24._____ on May Day, the Shanghai Expo has attracted tens of thousands of visitors around the world every day.

    A.Having opened                 B.Opened     

    C.Opening                       D.To open


23.The middle-aged man said he would accept the job, so we have asked him to ________ his acceptance in writing.

    A.confirm        B.convey         C.convince       D.consider


22.We needed a new cupboard for the kitchen.So Peter made _____ from some wood we had.

    A.it            B.one            C.himself       D.another



21.Dela had made up his mind to give it up ,but on _____ second thought ,he determined to try ______ third time.

    A./; a           B./ ; /           C. a ;  a        D.the ; a

