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14.(09重庆)22. Over the past 20 years, the Internet helped change our world in_____ way or another for the better.

A. any             B. one        C. every       D. either



13.(09浙江)-I’ve read another book this week.

-Well, maybe _____ is not how much you read but what you read that counts.

this                B. that           C. there     D. it



12.(09上海)-Wow! You’ve got so many clothes.

-But _____ of them are in fashion now .

A. all            B. both         C. neither    D. none



11.(09北京)Being a parent is not always easy, and being the parent of a child with special needs often carries with ___extra stress.

A. it             B. them         C. one     D. him

[解析]A  该句话的意思是:作为一个父母并非总是一件容易的事,但是作为一个有特殊需求的父母来说就需要有更多的额外的压力。it特指being the parent of a child with special needs这件事


10.(09全国2 )24。The CDs are on sale! Buy one and you get      completely free.

A. other          B. others         C. one      D. ones

[解析]C 考查不定代词的用法。按照句意:此处为买一送一,表示泛指意义的同类东西,故选C符合


9.(09全国2卷)23. Charles was alone at home, with     looking after him.

A. someone        B. anyone        C. not one    D. no one

[解析]D 考查不定代词的用法。按照句意:查理兹一人在家,没有人照顾他,依据独立主格结构D符合。


8.(09陕西) Jane was asked a lot of questions, but she didn’t answer    of them.

A. other          B. any         C. none      D. some

[解析]B 考查不定代词。所填词与not构成全部否定,四个选项中只有any与not可以构成not any,等于none,表全部否定,故选B。


7.(09山东)I felt so bad all day yesterday that I decided this morning I couldn’t face ________ day like that.

A. other         B. another      C. the other     D. others

[解析]B 考查与other 相关的单词的区别,由题意知:我昨天一整天感到很糟糕,以至于我今天早晨决定我不会面对那样的一天。是指在未来的日子中的一天,故用another.


6.(09四川)I like this house with a beautiful garden in front, but I don’t have enough money to buy__________.

A. one         B. it         C. this       D. that

[解析]B。 意思是:我喜欢这个前面有一个美丽花园的房子,但是我没有足够多的钱去把它买下来。第一句话中的this house表明在该语境中是特指的用法,所以答案为it,表示特指。该题容易误选one,要注意的是one表示泛指。


5. (2008安徽卷,21)The two girls are getting on very well and share _______ with each other.

A. little         B. much       C. some      D none

[解析]B句意:这两个女儿相处的非常融洽,她们有许多共同的志趣。本题考察不定代词的用法,little少;much多;some 一些;none没有一个,毫无。由are getting on very well“相处融洽“可知正确答案应该为B

