0  292733  292741  292747  292751  292757  292759  292763  292769  292771  292777  292783  292787  292789  292793  292799  292801  292807  292811  292813  292817  292819  292823  292825  292827  292828  292829  292831  292832  292833  292835  292837  292841  292843  292847  292849  292853  292859  292861  292867  292871  292873  292877  292883  292889  292891  292897  292901  292903  292909  292913  292919  292927  447090 

31. What is learned in books cannot have the same deep effect _____ a child’s character as what is learned _____ experience.

  A. on, in   B. on, by   C. in, by   D. by, with            


30. ---Did you do anything last week?

  ---I _________ to go skiing or do some shopping, but ______ studying.

  A. had planned, ended up        B. planned, ended up

  C. had planned, end up         D. planned, end up         


29. Mr. Cruise said that he preferred the information Jack gave to ______ heard by himself.

  A. the one     B. it      C. that      D. which                


28. _______ great difficulty I had ________ the robber from breaking in!

  A. How, stop    B. What, to stop   C. How, stopped    D. What a, stopping  


27. They give me a piece of advice _____ the passport ________ with me at all times.

  A. that, be carried           B. that, must be carried 

C. which, should be carried       D. which, is carried         


26. ---Have you seen that huge new building going up near the market?

  ---Yes. I can’t ________ what it’s going to be. Not an apartment? Not a hotel?

  A. hand out    B. take out    C. figure out    D. give out        


25. ---What seems to be the trouble?

  ---I _______ pretty tired for the past few days and I think I ______ a fever now.

  A. have felt, run        B. have been feeling, am running

  C. felt, run          D. feel, am running               


24. Was it ______ his daughter with her work _____ the man spent the whole evening at home?

  A. to help, that   B. help, when   C. helping, that   D. helped, which   


23. ---You look pale. What’s the matter?

  ---Not very well. I was sick most of the night. I ___________something _____ doesn’t agree with me.

  A. must eat, that          B. may have eaten, which

  C. may eat, what          D. must have eaten, that            


22. ---Of the two houses we saw today, which do you prefer?

  ---I think ____ white one is prettier, but ____ brick one has ___ bigger yard, so I like it better.

  A. a, the, a    B. the, the, a    C. the, a, the   D. the, the, 不填     

