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15. – How did you do on the test?

 – Not so well. I ______much better but I misread the directions for Part One.

  A. could do       B. could have done   C. must have done    D. should do


14. Frank, with his two sisters, _____ for London by train at 7:30 this evening.

  A. leaving     B. are leaving    C. is leaving    D. leave


13. Only by shouting at the top of his voice______________.

  A. he was able to make himself hear    B. he was able to make himself heard

  C. was he able to make himself heard   D. was he able to make himself hearing


12. This kind of natural fertilizer will help keep the air, soil and water_________ from chemicals.

  A. lack       B. free      C. loose     D. short


11. _______ up , the young man found himself covered with a red blanket.

A. Wake      B. Waking      C. Wakes    D. woke


10. --What ________ that made him so angry?

  --It is his losing the game.

  A. it is      B. is it     C. did it      D. it was


9. He has been acting strangely these days. I can’t________ his actions at all.

A. ask for     B. account for     C. call for     D. stand for


8. ________ take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to take the train from west to east across the country.

  A. In spite of    B. Regardless of   C. Rather than   D. Would rather


7. The letter he had been looking forward to _______ at last this morning.

A. come      B. comes      C. coming     D. came


6. When a question ________ at the meeting, the boss would become impatient and


A. arose       B. rose       C. raised      D. aroused

