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4. Upon arrival: As soon as he arrived 当…的时候; 一… 就…


3. urge 催促, 极力主张; 强烈要求

eg. The U.S.A urged Iraq to give up.


2. Ash and bits of rock that were burnt black were falling onto the ship now, darker and more, the closer they went.


1. draw one’s attention to sth.  吸引某人的注意力

eg. She drew my attention to a mistake in the report.

catch one’s attention; focus one’s attention on; pay attention to; give one’s attention to


7. A rain of rocks was coming down.


Task 6 Read the text again and explain what the words in bold refer to.

it: a cloud of unusual size and shape rising from a mountain

the one: the wind

the other: my uncle’s friend Pompy

their: flames

They: scared people

Language points:


6. He bathed and had dinner.


5. Two slaves helped him stand up and immediately he fell down dead.


4. He ordered a boat made ready.


3. Rectina begged him to save her.


2. Some people watched an unusual cloud rising from a mountain.

