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21.Mum promised that she would buy me a nice present for my birthday , ____beyond my imagination.

    A.which         B.it             C.that           D.one


20.The water ____ cool when I jumped into the pool for morning exercise.

    A.was felt        B.is felt         C.felt          D.feels


19.–Which of the two computer games did you prefer?

  --Actually I didn’t like_____

    A.both of them    B.either of them  C.none of them                D.neither of them


18.The letter I had been looking forward to ____ last Sunday.

    A.arriving      B.arrive        C.arrived       D.had arrived


17.---I went to the beach and got plenty of rest.

  ---_____.You looked tired last time I saw you.

    A.I’m glad you did                B.I had hoped so  

    C.Really?                 D.That sounds a good idea


16.Doctors in this hospital recommended that the patient ______ some light manual labor.

    A.do            B.did           C.doing          D.done


15.– How do you usually find out about new software?

  --In the magazines like Popular ElectronicsThat’s _____ computer companies usually advertise.

    A.which        B.where        C.what        D.why


14.-Why not open the windows to let     cool air in?

  -I'd rather you didn't.       air in our town is terribly polluted.

    A.a;The        B./;The        C./;/           D.the:/


13._____ hard you may try, you can’t possibly persuade Tom to give up smoking, for he is so addicted to it.

    A.Whatever     B.However       C.Whichever     D.Whenever


12.Hesitating what to do,      

    A.so let’s not go outing               B.the tour was cancelled

    C.but we should still take the tour       D.we had to stay home

