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头渡小镇精巧①    秀丽,藏在一片狭长的山谷之中,一边是金佛山的主峰,一边是柏枝坡的山峦。 ②    处于两个巨人的脚下,③    让人感到的不是局促的压抑,而是一种舒缓的安定,像如歌的行板,④      风吹雨打,⑤     世事变迁,⑥     在大山的怀抱中酣然高卧。


35. -Do you mind if I keep pets in this building?        

-  _______________________.

A. Great! I love pets                    B. Of course not, it’s not allowed here

C. No, you can’t                   D. I’d rather you didn’t, actually


34. It was 9:20 _____ I hurried to the station last night.

A. that             B. which           C. when          D. what


33. The policeman warned the drive ________ so carelessly.

A. never to drive  B. to never drive         C. to not drive        D. can’t drive

