0  295426  295434  295440  295444  295450  295452  295456  295462  295464  295470  295476  295480  295482  295486  295492  295494  295500  295504  295506  295510  295512  295516  295518  295520  295521  295522  295524  295525  295526  295528  295530  295534  295536  295540  295542  295546  295552  295554  295560  295564  295566  295570  295576  295582  295584  295590  295594  295596  295602  295606  295612  295620  447090 

35. Under no circumstances and at no time __________be the first______ nuclear weapons.

A. we shall; using     B. shall we; to use       C. shall we; used   D. we shall; using


34. He hurried home, only to find his house __________.

A. break out          B. broken into        C. break into     D. break in


33. The government have realized the use the returnees make ______ the experience and skills ________while living abroad.

A. of; gained       B. of; gain       C. for; gained    D. up; gain


32. Food aid______ is not enough to ______ the problem _______ now.

A. only; solve; discussed              B. alone; solving; being discussed

C. merely; solving; being discussed           D. alone; solve; being discussed 


31. People ran out __________ as fire tore through the building.

A. with vain       B. in rags       C. with one voice    D. in terror


30. Some students ____________admitting they were ______ computer games.

A. resisted; hooked on              B. accepted; addicted to

C. distributed; involved in           D. refused; devoted to


29. The old man has a son and two daughters, ______ treating him well, ______ makes him sad.

A. none of them; which              B. and none of whom; that 

C. none of whom; which              D. and none of them; that


28. She tried her best to __________ the life there, but failed to make any __________.

A. adjust to; senses                 B. adapt to; trouble   

C. adapt to; effort                D. adjust to; difference

