0  295705  295713  295719  295723  295729  295731  295735  295741  295743  295749  295755  295759  295761  295765  295771  295773  295779  295783  295785  295789  295791  295795  295797  295799  295800  295801  295803  295804  295805  295807  295809  295813  295815  295819  295821  295825  295831  295833  295839  295843  295845  295849  295855  295861  295863  295869  295873  295875  295881  295885  295891  295899  447090 

15.- I’d better__________ now.The water is boiling in the kitchen.

  - Good-bye.

    A.ring off       B.ring up      C.ring in         D.ring back


14.Only by shouting at the top of his voice__________

    A.he was able to make himself hear              

    B.he was able to make himself heard

    C.was he able to make himself hear               

    D.was he able to make himself heard


13.-Must I give the pen to the manager ?

-No, you may give it to________you think is on duty in the office .

    A.whomever                 B.no matter who 

     C.whoever                  D.who


12.Look! The dictionary, ________cover is red, is a birthday gift given by Tom.

    A.which        B.whose        C.its           D.where


11._______environmental damage is done, it takes many years for the ecosystem to recover.

    A.Even if        B.If only         C.While         D.Once


10.Every possible means _______to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear.

    A.are being used               B.have been used         

    C.has been used              D.had been used


9.______ surprised the family most was ________the girl played basketball very well.

    A.That; that     B.That; what    C.What; that              D.What; what


8.I have to see the doctor because I________a lot lately.

     A.cough                     B.coughed  

    C.have been coughing           D.had coughed


7.The cost of renting a house in central Baoji is higher than________in any other area of the city.

     A.one         B.it          C.this         D.that


6.- What a fine day! Shall we go shopping?

- ________.But we need to be home before five o’clock for the football match.

     A.That’s great                  B.You’re right                       C.Pardon me           D.Have a nice time

