0  296459  296467  296473  296477  296483  296485  296489  296495  296497  296503  296509  296513  296515  296519  296525  296527  296533  296537  296539  296543  296545  296549  296551  296553  296554  296555  296557  296558  296559  296561  296563  296567  296569  296573  296575  296579  296585  296587  296593  296597  296599  296603  296609  296615  296617  296623  296627  296629  296635  296639  296645  296653  447090 


①国家把促进农业发展作为宏观调控的首要目标   ②国家在国民收入再分配中注重社会公平  

③财政是宏观调控的重要经济手段   ④财政在资源配置中起基础性作用

A.①②        B.②④       C.③④      D.②③


5.国务院决定从2010年起,事业单位全面实行绩效工资。绩效工资是指根据工作成绩和劳动效率确定的工资。实施绩效工资                                             (   )


    A.①②④     B.①③④       C.②③        D.①④


4.假定某国待售商品量2 000亿件,平均每件商品价格为10元,货币每年平均流通4次;当年该国流通中需要货币量是________亿元。当年该国政府实际发行了10 000亿元纸币,这时的1元相当________元,就会________                         (   )

    A.5 000 0.25 使纸币购买力下降     B.5 000     0.5    引发通货膨胀

    C.5 000   0.5    使纸币购买力提高       D.20 000   2    使纸币升值


3.假设某企业2008年的生产条件属于社会平均水平,生产一件甲种商品的劳动耗费为6元,产量为10万件。2009年该企业的劳动生产率提高50%。其他条件不变。那么,该企业生产甲种商品的个别价值、社会价值和价值总量分别为(   )

    A.4元、4元、60万元            B.6元、8元、90万元

    C.4元、6元、90万元           D.8元、6元、120万元


2.随着山寨版手机的增多,配套的电池在福建等地也悄然兴起。手机和手机电池(  )



  A.①②      B.③④    C.①③   D.①④


1. 央行决定,从2010年1月18日起,上调存款类金融机构人民币存款准备金率0.5个百分点,央行提高人民币存款准备金率说明(  )

A.国家鼓励信贷消费         B.国家实行紧缩性财政政策

C.国家鼓励企业加大投资力度     D.国家实行紧缩性货币政策


About one dozen ancient bridges were still buried under the earth
91.  _________
in Beijing, according to Kong Qingpu, an expert in the bridge field.
92.  _________
The 13 bridges were built during the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasty  
93.  _________
and they were buried under the earth main for two reasons. Firstly, 
94.  _________
some open rivers were changed into covering pipes and their bridges  
95.  _________
were buried, too. Secondly, some open rivers were filled. Neither were
96.  _________
their bridges. Kong who has worked a specialist for 47 years wants 
97.  _________
to be record the underground bridges. He tries to make a list of them and
98.  _________
add them to the history of bridges. Ancient bridges, both above or 
99.  _________
under the ground, are all paid attention to. We must be protected. 
100.  _________


Everyone can do something for our environment. For me, I   
should try to save electricity in my daily life. For an example, 
if I am the last person leave the classroom in the evening,   
I will always remember to turn on the lights. In order to   
protect our forests, I will use paper wise. I should try     
to use all sides of paper whenever it is possible. I will   
not use things like paper cup and disposable chopsticks   
because they are made up of wood. I believe that doing all  
these small things will improve our environment but help   
making our world a better place to live in.         
87. ________
88. ________
90. _______


Mary was a university student. She didn’t have more money
71.  ___________
and her parents were not rich, but she had an uncle was
72.  ___________
fortunately enough to be a millionaire. He always gave her valuable
73.  ___________
Christmas and birthday present. When her uncle’s birthday came
74.  ___________
round. Mary want to buy him something really special, but because
75.  ___________
he was so rich, she did not know how to get him. She went into
76.  ___________
the shop in her town and explained her problem to one of helpful
77.  ___________
shop assistants. Finally she asked, “What do you have to
78.  ___________
 someone who has already got something he wants
79.  ___________
The assistant sighed deeply and answered, “Envy, only envy”
80.  ___________


Dear Michelle,
I'm very exciting! Today is my first day at a new school in Australia
61.  ________
The school I study at is a government school. Although I'm new to my
62.  ________
classmates, the teacher asks me to introduce me to them in class. I tell them  
63.  ________
I come from Hong Kong and that I like to play with computer games, listen to
64.  ________
music and do sports in my spare time. I also like the Australia way of life.   
65.  ________
Australia is big country. The shopping malls are big. There are mainly six   
66.  ________
public library and museums in Sydney. Just a few minutes' walk from
67.  ________
which I live, there is a huge park. Around my house, there is plenty of space.  
68.  ________
Michelle, I miss you very much. I'll never forget the days we spend
69.  ________
together and the fun we shared with all our old classmates.
70.  ________
Best wishes.

