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7. What she said___________ me that I was mistaken.

vinced    B.knew    C.realized    D.understood


6. She has valuable information in her________________.

A. posses   B. possession    C. possessions     D.possessment


5. Please _________your minds________ the following problem.

A.pay , to  centrae ,on   C.focus,  at  ter , in


4.What he said at the meeting was _____________________.

A. of great value          B. of greatly valuable 

C. greatly value          D. great valueable


2. My brother aims__________ a novelist.

A.of being    B.being     C.to be     D.at to be

3 The lion is king of the forest,who is the ___________of courage & strength.

A .mark      B. signal     C. sign     D .symbol



1. The train ____ over three hundred passengers a day.

A. transmits      B. ships     C. conveys     D. ferries


第二节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

A gray African goose stood at the back of my father’s   truck,staring into the wide shiny bumper(保险杠)--completely attracted by the image he saw there. The goose preened(整理羽毛),waving his long  36  from side to side. It was an interesting and amusing  37  .

   When I noticed that the goose was 38  there nearly four hours later,I thought it

was   39  . So I asked my father about it.

   “Dad,”I said. “ That old gray goose has been  40  behind your truck all day. Do you

have any  41  why?”

   “Oh,sure,”he answered without  42  .“That’s Grady. He lost his ‘wife’ a year ago,and he’s  43  without her. For nearly a month he searched the farm for her everyday. Then one day,as he  44  the shiny bumper,he caught sight of his reflection in it. I guess he thinks he’s  45  her. So every day he comes to be with her.”

   Each and every morning,the geese wait  46  at the door of their protective shed

for my father to  47  them so they can wander around the farm. When Grady is turned

to loose,he leaves the others, 48  instead to be with “ his wife. ” Eagerly,  he rushes to

 49  my father’s truck is parked and stares into the truck’s shiny silver bumper and  50  cackles(叫)away,perhaps telling her the events that  51  while they were apart.

   “Isn’t it a bit strange that Grady  52  at the bumper all day long? ” I asked.

   “  53  if that’s where he thinks his companion is,”my father replied. “He's  54   to her. ”

I was interested in the obvious affection this goose had once  55  his mate,an affection so strong that he was determined to hang on to some appearance of it after her parting.

36. A. 1eg           B. wing        C. neck         D. body

37. A. sight          B. position      C. spot         D. situation

38. A. ever          B. still         C. yet          D. even

39. A. usual          B. reasonable    C. common      D. strange

40. A. sitting         B. moving      C. standing      D. 1ying

41. A. idea          B. doubt        C. opinion       D. suggestion

42. A. delay          B. hesitation   C. question       D. permission

43. A. lovely         B. painful       C. alone         D. 1onely

44. A. passed         B. ignored      C. admired       D. adored

45. A. 1oved         B. hurt         C. found        D. protected

46. A. anxiously       B. impatiently    C. eagerly       D. carefully

47. A. feed          B. drive        C. care         D. free

48. A. preferring      B. refusing      C. deciding      D. preparing

49. A. however       B. whenever   C. wherever       D. whatever

50. A. sadly          B. happily      C. calmly       D. comfortably

51. A. missed         B. delivered     C. fled          D. occurred

52. A. stays          B. searches      C. 1ives         D. gathers

53. A. Seldom        B. Always      C. Not          D. Hardly

54. A. expected       B. devoted      C. stuck         D. inspired

55. A. suffered from   B. 1ived with    C. did with      D. shared with

