0  297519  297527  297533  297537  297543  297545  297549  297555  297557  297563  297569  297573  297575  297579  297585  297587  297593  297597  297599  297603  297605  297609  297611  297613  297614  297615  297617  297618  297619  297621  297623  297627  297629  297633  297635  297639  297645  297647  297653  297657  297659  297663  297669  297675  297677  297683  297687  297689  297695  297699  297705  297713  447090 

13.To ______ good relationships with your teachers and classmates, you should learn to be on good terms with them.

     A.bring up          B.add up            C.keep up           D.take up


12.Your article must be sent by e-mail _______ it can meet the deadline.

     A.or else            B.for fear that      C.in case          D.so that


11.Darkness _________, so we had to stop our journey and stayed on a farm for the night.

     A.fell              B.spread          C.broke                     D.happened


10.Many Chinese universities provided scholarships for students ________ financial aid.

     A.in favour of                        B.in honour of                   

     C.in face of                        D.in need of


9.--- Let’s hurry.Professor Beach is coming.

--- Oh, I was afraid that we ________.

     A.already miss him                       B.will miss him

     C.have already missed him                D.had already missed him


8.Broadly speaking, I would agree with Shirley, though not ________.

     A.widely          B.entirely         C.extremely    D.eventually


7.______ with her graduation paper, Mary has no time to do a part-time job.

     A.Being occupied                  B.Having occupied

     C.To be occupied                 D.Having been occupying


6.In our daily life, everyone fails every now and then. It is how you react that makes a ______.

     A.development      B.difference         C.progress          D.life


5.--- Jim managed to get into his house without the key._______?

--- I don't know. He might have asked someone for help.

     A.What for          B.So what           C.Guess how       D.Who knows


4.The ______ amount of money was not known though they knew it was large.

     A.real          B.exact          C.possible     D.great

