0  297727  297735  297741  297745  297751  297753  297757  297763  297765  297771  297777  297781  297783  297787  297793  297795  297801  297805  297807  297811  297813  297817  297819  297821  297822  297823  297825  297826  297827  297829  297831  297835  297837  297841  297843  297847  297853  297855  297861  297865  297867  297871  297877  297883  297885  297891  297895  297897  297903  297907  297913  297921  447090 

35. ---You shouldn’t have taken pictures before the carved stones.


A. Pardon me   B. Yes, I will   C. Never mind   D. Don’t mention it


34. --- Guess what! I have got A for my oral English test.

  --- Great! You ________ practiced a lot and you see it pays off.

A. should   B. must have   C. must   D. should have


33. Was it in Disneyland, ______ many cartoon characters can be seen, ______ the film was set?

A. that; where   B. that; when   C. in which; where   D. where; that


32. --- Did your father phone you shortly after the accident?

  --- No, it was a fortnight _________ he gave me a phone call.

A. since       B. when         C. while        D. before


31. People in Yangzhou are proud of ________ they have achieved in the past ten years.

  A. that       B. which      C. what     D. how


30.---Is that the small company you often refer to?

  ---Right, just the one ________ you know I used to work for years.

  A. that          B. which        C. where        D. as


29. Sichuan Province, _____ in southwest China and _____ an area of 485,000 kilometers with the largest population in China, is one of the largest and most inaccessible provinces in China.

A. located; covered          B. locating; covering  

C. located; covering         D. locating; covered


28. Over the past ten years, there _______ great changes in our family life.

  A. has been    B. were     C. have been    D. was


27. I think you must be mistaken about seeing him at the theatre; I’m sure he _______ abroad all week.

A. is      B. was     C. has been      D. had been

