0  298128  298136  298142  298146  298152  298154  298158  298164  298166  298172  298178  298182  298184  298188  298194  298196  298202  298206  298208  298212  298214  298218  298220  298222  298223  298224  298226  298227  298228  298230  298232  298236  298238  298242  298244  298248  298254  298256  298262  298266  298268  298272  298278  298284  298286  298292  298296  298298  298304  298308  298314  298322  447090 

30.When______, the museum will be open to the public next year.

pleting C.being completed D.to be completed


29. _____more attention ,the trees could have grown better.

A.Gave   B.Given   C.Giving     D.Having given 


28、Most of the people _______to the party were famous scientists .

A.to  invite  B. invited  C.being invited  D.inviting


27、If he gets a job ,_________have enough money to build his own house.

A.will he       he        C.he will       D.did he


26、--Mr.Smith is very strict_________his students,isn’t he?

  --Yes,he is.He is strict_________his work as well.

A.with;in     B. in;about           C. in;with        D.with;about


25、--Do you know who left the computer on all night long?

  --It seems that Tom is______. He played computer games yesterday afternoon.

A. blaming         B.blamed    C.  to blame       D.to be blamed


24、Is this school __________you studied in ten years ago?

A.in which      B. that      C. where      D.the one that


23、He believes she is right,_________?

  A.doesn’t he      B.does he      C.  is she        D.isn’t she


22、Voices______when the discussion became more heated

   A. raised     B. were raised      C.were risen      D.shouted


21、I don’t feel very well..Mum asked me _____this morning.

 A. what the matter is        B. what is wrong

   C.what was the matter        D. what wrong was

