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1.Her graduation from college was a great________(事件).I did not want to miss.



10.He has recently________golf to provide himself with some relaxation.

A.taken up          B.taken on

C.taken over         D.taken in

解析:选A。句意:最近他开始打高尔夫球来放松自己。take up“花时间开始从事”;take on“呈现,承担,雇用”;take over“接管”;take in“吸收,理解”。


9.The children ran away________all directions the moment they caught sight of their teacher coming near.

A.in              B.to

C.from            D.off

解析:选A。in all directions“四面八方”。


8.People in some developed countries have more food than they need while many people in Africa die for________of food every year.

A.sense            B.lack

C.limit            D.supply

解析:选B。lack在句中用作名词,意思是“缺乏”;for lack of“由于缺乏”。


7.The girl,almost________to death at the sight of the snake,shut her eyes and dared not have a second look at it.

A.frightening         B.was frightened

C.frightened          D.having frightened

解析:选C。frightened to death at the sight of the snake在句中作状语。


6.The man entered the room and looked everywhere________in search of something.

A.so that            B.even if

C.as if             D.in case

解析:选C。句意:那个男的进了房间,四处张望,好像(as if)在寻找什么东西。as if in search of something是as if he was in search of something的省略形式。


5.What the doctor warned us is that the________sleep may cause anger,poor memory and poor concentration.

A.want in            B.plenty of

C.lack in            D.lack of

解析:选D。根据后面的“cause anger,poor memory and poor concentration”可知应是缺乏睡眠,故排除B项。want表示“缺乏”时,应和of搭配;lack作名词时不能和in搭配。

