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14.Who scored all the goals?学科

A. Steven.         B. Rudolf.        C. Geoff.


13.What was the final score of the game?学网

A. Three to zero.         B. Three to one.       C. Three to two.


12. What do we know about Bill?

A. He first met his wife in London.                 B. He once lived in America.

C. He talked about his job with the man the other day.

Text five


11. Where is Bill from?

A. Australia.        B. America.        C. Britain.


10. Why do the speakers think Bill is a lucky man?

A. He has a good job.    B. He has a good wife.   C. He has been to America.


9. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

  A. Where Bill met his wife.

B. How Bill loves his wife.

C. What Bill’s wife is like.


8. What does the woman decide to buy?

  A. Leather wallet.     B. A black wallet.      C. A blue tie.

Text four


7. How much money does the woman have on her?

  A. About $5.00.     B. About $10.00.      C. About $13.00.


6. Why does the woman dislike the brown wallet?

  A. It has no room to put pictures.                B. It is too big and heavy.

C. It is too expensive.


5. What can we learn from the conversation?

  A. The woman is crazy about parties.

B. The man has just held a party recently.

C. The party the man attended might be boring.

Text three

