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28. Who is the woman ________ is broadcasting on the radio now ?

  A. whose    B. which       C. who     D. that


27. Today _____ number of people learning English in China _____ increasing rapidly.

A. a; is          B. the; is         C. a; are         D. the; are


26. It was in this house _____ he heard some strange sounds.

  A. that    B. where    C. which    D. who


25. My grandpa ______ a lot of hardship when he was young.

  A. calmed down  B. went through   C. added up   D. set down


24. My mother ________ my father to give up smoking, but he does not follow her suggestion.

  A. persuades     B. is persuading   C. is persuaded   D. tries to persuade


23. Do you still remember the day ______ we met for the first time ?

  A. while      B. which       C. when      D. that


22. The brave soldier preferred to die rather than__________.

  A. giving in      B. to give in     C. gave in      D. give in



21. “ When Tom ______, please let me know.”

  Mary said when Tom ________, just tell her about it.

  A. comes ; comes   B. came ; came   C. comes ; came   D. comes ; coming

