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19. Although she did not know Boston well, she made her way __ to the Home Circle Building

A. easy enough     B. enough easy    C. easily enough    D. enough easily


18. If we work hard, we can overcome any difficulty, ____ difficulty it is

A. what            B. how            C. whatever        D. however 


17. I’ll probably see you on Sunday;   , it will be on Monday.

A. thus              B. then            C. after all           D. if not


16.________ great achievements the future may have _______ China, many of them may be born in Zhongguanchun in Beijing

A. No matter what…in store to          B. Whatever …in store to

C. However…in store with              D. Whatever…in store for


15. Actually, girls can be     they want to be just like boys, whether it is a pilot, an astronaut, or a general manager

A. wherever        B .however        C. whatever        D. whoever


14. This kind of apple tastes ____ and sells ____

A. well, well         B. good, good     C. well, good       D. good, well


13.It __________ emphasized that the development of agriculture must keep pace with the development of industry

A. cannot be so much                B. cannot be too much

C. can be so much D. can be too much


12. Mr. Johnson has the ability to make his lessons _______

  A. alive           B. lively           C. living            D. live


11. A new ________ bus service to Tianjin Airport started to operate two months ago

A. normal            B. usual            C. regular            D. common


9.This  girl is Linda’s cousin

 A. pretty little Spanish               B. Spanish little pretty

 C. Spanish pretty little               D. little pretty Spanish

10 --Did you enjoy yourself at the part?

--Yes. I’ve never been to    one before

A. a more excited    B. the most excited                   C. a more exciting   D. the most exciting

